2nd NMCC Commanders Conference

The 2nd NMCC Commanders Conference was held in Eindhoven on 21-23 January 2019.

In total, 23 nations as well as Multi-national organisations such as, EATC, EDA, EUMS, HAW, NATO JFCB, NATO JFCN, NATO SHAPE, NATO SJLSG, NSPA and SALCC were present at the conference.

After the welcome address Col. Boekolt, the Eindhoven AB Base commander, the 74 representatives discussed several topics like (not exhaustive):

  • Maximising the Capacity of Limited Strategic Lift
    • Member Nations capacities in Africa
    • Middle East practices
    • UN capabilities in Africa
  • EX TRJE18 – Lessons Learned/HNS/RSOM
  • Panel discussion, Lead nation concept for TRJE 2018
  • EUMS: Military Mobility, CSDP missions and operations with a focus on Africa
  • EATC: Shuttle project, EGOM

2nd NMCC Commanders Conference - Group Photo
The conference was a great meeting opportunity for our member nations and Multi-national organisations to exchange information and points of view on many important movement and transportations related issues.

2nd NMCC Commanders Conference - Session