

  • The MCCE consists of a group of 30 willing Nations;
  • The MCCE Steering Board (SB) is the highest decision-making body of the MCCE. This Board decides on MCCE participating issues, set Policy guidance, discuss issues recommended by the WB and nominates the Director. This Board is supported by the MCCE Working Board (WB). The WB discusses and controls the routine business related to the MCCE. Every signing Nation has a representative in each of the Boards;
  • The Director of the MCCE is appointed by the MCCE SB. He manages and directs the MCCE staff in accordance with the Terms of References (TOR’s) and policy set by the MCCE SB.

MCCE Steering Board
The MCCE Steering Board (SB) is the highest decision-making body of the MCCE. It consists of a representative from each of the participating nations, normally at the rank of OF 6 or higher. The Chairman of the SB (CM SB) is a representative of a Participant and is appointed by a decision of the SB and is appointed in general for a period of 1 year.

The SB meets annually and is responsible for:

  • Decide on MCCE participating issues;
  • Set Policy guidance;
  • To discuss issues recommended by the MCCE Working Board (WB);
  • Deciding on proposals for modifications of the TA as compiled by the Working Board;
  • Approving the nomination of the MCCE Director.

MCCE Working Board
The MCCE Working Board (WB) decides and controls Routine Business-related issues.It consists of a representative from each of the participating nations. The WB meets at least every 6 months to enable it to carry out its responsibilities effectively. The Chairman of the WB (CM WB) is a representative of a Participant and is appointed by a decision of the WB. Decisions, including Ex-Committee Decisions, by the WB are taken unanimously. The CM of the MCCE WB will be appointed in general for a period of 2 years.

The WB is responsible for:

  • General policy decisions;
  • Providing direction for the operations of the MCCE;
  • Taking decisions related to the staff structure, peace time establishment and Job Descriptions of the MCCE, as well as the Rotation and Flagging of positions;
  • Approving the budget and other financial decisions;
  • Issuing Performance Measurements (Key Performance Indicators) to MCCE and evaluating and reviewing the performance of the MCCE against these criteria.

MCCE Organigram